6 Years of Cook Smarts!

Today we’re excited to celebrate the 6th anniversary of our meal plan service with you!

  • By Jess Dang
  • May 4, 2019

6 years ago, we launched our meal plan service. My developer Jen and I were up ‘til 3:00 AM frantically fixing last minute issues we were still having so that we could actually go live on our target day of May 1st, 2013.

Since I was also up at 3AM feeding a newborn last night, I have newborns on the mind. Surprisingly, after having 3 kids now, the early baby days almost feel easy compared to launching and growing a product. (Check out what I thought before I had any human babies here!) You see, caring for a newborn is challenging, but the probability of survival is on your side. Growing a product often feels impossible, and the probability it’ll actually grow and survive is not super promising.

But all these years later, we’re grateful to still be here despite the odds. And in large part, we have our wonderful community to thank for all of the support!

Take a look at our amazing journey the last 6 years:


The Cook Smarts Story: Celebrating 6 Years!

Cook Smarts' meal plan service turns 6, and it's all because of our supportive community! Learn more about our story with this infographic.

If you want to learn more about where we’ve come from and how involved our cooking community has been every step of the way, here are the past 3 years down memory lane:


3 Years of No Regrets (+We’re Hiring!)

Our meal plan service turns 3! Celebrate with us and discover the story behind what it took to get this… Read more.


Celebrating 4 Years of Delicious Firsts

It’s been four years since we launched our meal plan service and it's been incredible! To celebrate, enjoy 25% off… Read more.


Celebrating 4 Years with Our Team

Our meal plan service turned 4 this year, and we've grown and improved a lot. Meet the team behind the… Read more.


The Cook Smarts Story and Celebrating Five Years of Meal Plans

To celebrate five years of Cook Smarts meal plans, we’re sharing our story and looking back at the milestones that… Read more.

Today our meal planning service looks quite different than it did in its newborn days. Our mission remains the same, but we’ve learned and improved a lot by listening to our members’ feedback. We recognize that we still have much more growing to do and of course we know there are probably many more mistakes that will be made, but also so many more milestones to celebrate!

After looking back over everything we have accomplished in the past 6 years, I must say that I am so grateful for our incredibly supportive village for getting us here. Thank you so much for making our meal plan community so amazing! Perhaps it’s the hormones, but my heart has never felt so full.

Here’s to another year of smarter living in the kitchen together! And don’t forget to check out our new podcast (another baby that was born last month) for lots more cooking support every week.

If you haven’t yet become a part of our meal plan community, we would love for you to join us! Once you find out more about our meal plans and features and hear stories from our community members, we know you’ll want to be a part of the magic.

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As always, we’re here to help you live your best life in the kitchen and provide delicious memories for you and your family. If you sign up for our newsletter below, we’ll send you great cooking tips and resources that will help you raise your kitchen IQ and cook with confidence.

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The convenience of meal kits without the waste


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