Meet our Meal Plan Developer Jess Smith

Be inspired by the career journey of our recipe developer and learn from her experiences going from casual food blogging to working in the food industry full time!

  • By Jess Dang
  • May 2, 2019

One of the best things that’s happened to Cook Smarts is bringing on a dedicated meal plan developer. All the way from Thailand, Jess Smith joined the team in the spring of 2015 and has taken our recipe development process and our meal quality to a whole new level.

In today’s episode, we’re getting to know this multi-talented lady and also giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our small company. Plus, you’ll get to hear:

  1. How she made a huge career switch from working in the State Department in Thailand to work in food full time, and all the lessons she’s learned during this transition.
  2. What it’s like to go from writing a food blog to getting feedback — sometimes less-than-positive feedback — on every recipe you create.
  3. The most challenging part of recipe creation and what’s gotten easier over time.

If you’re someone who’s wanted to make a career change and follow your dreams, this podcast episode is definitely not to be missed. Another added bonus: I also offer some advice to the entrepreneurs out there about how to build a team.

P.S. We taped this episode ~1 year ago when Jess Smith was pregnant with her 3rd child, right before she left for maternity leave. Here’s a photo of her beautiful family of 5!

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And of course, spread the word to your friends and family, especially those who have been itching to switch careers. Jess’ story is such an inspiration!

Links mentioned in this episode

  1. Browse and bookmark our job pagesign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on future job openings
  2. Get wanderlust and hungry browsing through Jess’ personal recipe blog Inquiring Chef
  3. Follow Jess on Instagram @inquiringchef

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Meet our Meal Plan Developer Jess Smith | In the Kitchen with Cook Smarts Podcast


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