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What’s Your Cooking Personality?

Jess Dang

Jess Dang is the Founder of Cook Smarts where she also wears the hat of Chief Kitchen Coach. She left the corporate world in 2011 to start Cook Smarts because she was passionate about bringing food education back to our schools and family dinners back into our lives. Follow me here

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  • Seems spot on! I'm an ESFP named Jess, too :) And I think your T/F correlation is a good one! I know that I DO tend to cook recipes that make others happy - even if it's not my *favorite* thing, I'll make it over & over if somebody else is totally digging it!

  • I am a textbook ENFP and can get behind everything you've said! ENFPs tend to hate repetition and mundane tasks, which is why I am pretty sure I gravitated towards Cook Smarts: every meal, every week is different, and the usual Sunday chore of grocery shopping has been made more fun (I get to run around the store with my little list on my smartphone and hunt things down)! It can be hard to pin me down and get me to focus for an extended period of time, so it's nice having something to bring me back to the task at hand.

    It also helps that my partner is an ISTJ who takes care of the details. ;)

  • I am an INFP - I learned that back in college psychology. However, I don't find that it translates well. I hate cooking alone, I prefer the tactile sensations in the kitchen (such as the tangy cilantro, the pungent garlic, the sound sugar makes when it pours), I pick a good mix of what makes people happy - but it's got to be nutritionally balanced, too. The only one that really hits right is the P. Usually, by the time I get done with a recipe, it doesn't even resemble the original.

  • Wow, I have tested pretty reliably as INFJ every time over the years but in this case, I am the complete opposite of each of these hypothesis! Interesting.

  • I'm an INFP. I think you're right on the mark with your cooking style analysis here.

  • I'm an ENTJ & I have to agree with Aech Bee - my cooking personality is a complete 180 of my MBTI personality!

  • After reading your cooking theories, I feel like I don't even have to take the test, I already know my personality type! I like to cook alone, enjoy the science, choose recipes based on cost and nutritional value, and NEED instructions. INTJ.

Published by
Jess Dang